

At the heart of Tuscany and surrounded by hills, Siena is one of Italy’s most beautiful medieval cities and is thus included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site list. Hub of the city is the famous Piazza del Campo, the shell-shaped square, where the Palio is held – one of most important events for its citizens. The Palio of Siena is a medieval horserace – a passionate competition involving horses representing Siena’s different quarters. But Siena is not only Piazza del Campo. All around is a succession of churches – such as the splendid churches of San Domenico, Saint Francis and Santa Maria dei Servi -, monuments – i.e. the Town Hall, the Cathedral of Siena and the Torre del Mangia, on top of which you can enjoy a

stunning view of the city. Siena is also home to famous artists such as Duccio di Buoninsegna, Cecco Angiolieri, Simone Martini, Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Jacopo della Quercia, and Domenico Beccafumi. The old town is crossed by narrow streets full of shops and boutiques where you can buy local crafts. Among the narrow streets and the wide Piazza del Campo you will enjoy the real atmosphere of Siena – a city young and yet ancient, monumental and yet lively.

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